04/27/2021 Livestream notes
(a small idea to guide the day’s work)
The master has had more failures than the novice has even attempted.
(what do I plan to do)
- Get back into building Mail File
- Get the DB up and running (Datomic)
- Maybe start parsing dummy emails
- Parse body of email by newline
- Transact those parsed lines as individual entities to transact into DB
What I got done
(plan != reality)
- We finally got Datomic up and running! Turns out reading the documentation carefully can take you a long way in this world 👍
- We added a route for saving a new URL from an email
- We wrote:
- specs for a “saved item” Datomic entity and a “link” Datomic entity
- A function to save a new url
- And finally, we hooked up the API to submit a new URL via POST and save it in the DB!
For next time
- Hopefully get AWS SES up and running so we can test these with actual emails
- Expand functionality beyond just URLS, like quotes or other random pieces of text
(things referenced mid-stream)